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If you'd like to receive our seasonal newsletter  (4 times a year and the odd 1st dibs announcement) on rate specials at The Ridge House,  events, recipes and our upcoming organically grown garlic from Green Hills Farm, we welcome you to join our community.

Thank you for joining in on the journey with us.

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Cosy Luxe Accomodation

The Ridge House

Set on 50-acres of pristine bushland on the property next door, this is our little hidden gem where guests experience, wood fires, private walking tracks, amazing views and the opportunity to slow down and enjoy country life and hospitality. Have a peek in here


A journey into country life

Green Hills Farm

Share our family's journey from citylife to owning a 150acre working farm in West Gippsland. Food garden & farm tours, recipes, long lunches and workshops in the mix

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Organically grown garlic

Gippsland Garlic

We've been working on growing five beautiful garlic varieties in the rich soil of our hill set farm. After 3 years, we will be selling to subscribers first from November 2021.

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